Client expands HBiZ by ~10x

We collected approximately $5 million on zero-balance accounts during 2023
on only 1/3 of the health system. Another vendor collected around $500,000
during the same period, covering two-thirds of the health system.

At a glance

5.2m In

The collections over the past twelve months amount to approximately $5.2 million.

21.7% Net
recovery rate

Outcome metrics depict that there was a 21.7% recovery rate

Placement Metrics

Placement durations
and activity

  1. The average age at placement is approximately 464 days, indicating a lengthy duration in the process.
  2. The average gross placement balance is around $8,000, reflecting the financial scale of each placement.
  3. On average, the monthly volume is about 850, showcasing consistent activity in placements.

Throughput Metrics


  1. The time from the initial interaction to the first touch averages 13.6 days. This marks the delay before follow-up begins.
  2. This gap is important as it influences the pace of future actions. A quicker first touch could improve overall progress.
  3. Understanding this timeframe helps businesses refine their strategies to reduce delays and improve engagement.

Outcome metrics

Net recovery rate: 21.7%
Twelve Months collections: $5.2M

The total amount placed over the last twelve months (LTM) is approximately $733 million.


The net recovery rate is
approximately 21.7%.


The total amount placed over LTM
is approximately $5.2 million.


The average age from placement
is 464 days.